Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Green Family!

Meet the Green Family! Be prepared, they are precious. 

 This is Wyatt. He was all smiles, which makes my job easy!
 Sweet brother and sister!
 So stinking adorable, right?!
 Bubbles have been popular with little Amie before, so we pulled them out again!

You guys are such a cute family! I always have fun behind the camera around ya'll! Hope you love them! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Brandon and Megan WILLIAMS

FINALLY a few long awaited pictures of the Williams Wedding. 

         Sisters warming up for the reception
 Brandon and Megan exchanged gifts before the ceremony. Megan had a hard time holding back the tears                    when she read the letter Brandon had written her. 
 Megan's gift
They were good at "fake laughing" (:
 This picture was taken before the ceremony. Brandon and Megan got a quick second to hold hands without seeing each other. This moment was so incredibly precious. 
 Beautiful girls!

 Are they precious, or what?

 There was PLENTY of dancing at the reception. 

And snow for the finish! 
Brandon and Megan, you two are such a precious couple to me. It has been an honor to be apart of your lives throughout this process. I am so excited to see you two grow. I am praying that the Lord will bless your marriage! Love you two! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Beautiful Bride: Megan Williams

This is Mrs. Megan Williams. She got married 2 days ago. 
Isn't she gorgeous? 

 To die for, right?

I am so happy for you and Brandon. I pray that you guys will have a long and happy marriage. Trust in the Lord for everything! Love you two!