Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cheyenne and Cameron

This is Cameron and Cheyenne. I hope my kids are half as cute as they are. 
 Look at this little diva! Love her.
 So sweet!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gryffin and Peyton

Meet these two precious brothers

 Aren't they adorable?

The Carr Family

Meet Tanner, Peri and their beautiful mother Cheri:
     They naturally look good in front of the camera, making my job easy.

 "Say something funny!"

You guys are such a precious family!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Brooke Goodson: Senior Stowaway

Meet my beautiful "Little Sister", Brooke Ashley Goodson. She is a senior, and a beautiful Granbury High School Stowaway. 
We took these pictures on Tuesday of this week. It started to get dark outside due to rain clouds. We ran outside, took a few pictures and shortly after the rain started to pour. 

Love you pookie. You are so beautiful, inside and out.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Miss Amie Rhea!

Meet Amie Rhea Green. She is a precious soon to be three year old. At first, she was not happy about taking pictures. 
Little Amie would only smile if her bag of doughnuts was in her hands. We hid the doughnut bag under her tutu in the majority of these pictures. 

                                                   "You want to play on mommy's phone?"
                                  Amie Rhea's daddy is a soldier in Afghanistan. This one is for him.
                                                         How old are you turning Amie?
                                                                    Look at those eyes!
                                                            Good job with the bow, mom.

I had so much fun with this little diva! Hope to see more of her!