Monday, September 19, 2011

Brooke Goodson: Senior 2012 Part Two

A few more for your viewing pleasure. (:

 Mhmm, that is a bathtub. Love this.
 Work it, Brookie.

Brookie Ashley, I am so incredibly proud of the woman you are becoming. I hope your senior year is everything you want it to be! I love you so much!

Brooke Goodson: Senior 2012 Part One

Meet Brooke Ashley Goodson. She is one of my most beautiful friends, inside and out. I cannot believe she is already a senior. Here are a few of the pictures we took last night. More to come later!

 See what I mean by one of my most beautiful friends?

 This picture screams "Brooke".
Simply gorgeous!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Julia and John Sutton: Seniors 2012 (Part 2)

Here's a couple more of Julia and John! 

 Gorgeous, right?

You two were so fun to be around and SO easy to take pictures of. I hope you enjoy your senior year to the fullest! Keep that joy you have for the Lord. Good luck you two!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Julia and John Sutton: Seniors 2012

Meet Julia and John. They are enjoying their senior year at Granbury High. Julia plans to go to Tarleton State in the fall while John will be at Oklahoma State.
Here are just a few from our shoot. More to come tomorrow evening! 

 Julia is a busy girl. We took some at the track. She even jumped some hurdles for me.
 Yes, John played this guitar while I took pictures. This made my job double the fun.

 Beautiful, Julia.

Look at these SHOES. 
I had so much fun with you guys! I hope you like what you have seen so far! More to come.