Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Caitlin Brooks; Senior 2012 (Part Two)

 She obviously made my job so easy!
 Maybe it took us ten minutes to pick this and maybe it made our fingers (and my camera) sticky, but we got this picture and its one of my favorites. (:
 We love the zebra seat!

 Caitlin explained to me that she was attached at the hip with her grandfather, so in memory of him, she wore his overalls in a couple pictures. Precious.
 We risked our lives to get these pictures. Who knew there would be so many cars on this little back road.

 One more of these!

 No, her eyes are not edited. They are just beautiful!
I am so excited for you Caitlin! I know you are going to have a wonderful senior year! I had so much fun getting to know you while taking your pictures. Good luck!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Caitlin Brooks; Senior 2012 (Part One)

This is Caitlin. Not only is she beautiful, she also has a heart of gold.

We have shoot #2 tonight, so more to come!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Carroll

Meet Taylor and Brooklynn. This is a little peak at their big day.

 The beautiful bride getting ready!

 SUCH a gorgeous dress.

 Handsome groom!
 The bride and her father.
Taylor and Brooklynn, I had so much fun on your big day. I wish you two the best of luck in your marriage! Love you both dearly.